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SJW, Smart Meter Project, and Concord Utility Services logos

Smart Meter Program

Ready to get even smarter about your water use?

San Jose Water (SJW) is installing a smart water metering system throughout our service area over the next few years. Smart water metering is also referred to as Advanced Metering Infrastructure or AMI. According to the American Water Works Association, “…smart meters are part of an integrated system of meters and information systems that enable communication between meters and utilities.”

Smart Meter Benefits

  • Remote, real time access to water usage at your convenience
  • Ability to monitor water usage and manage bill size before your bill arrives 
  • Set alarms to indicate usage spikes and/or possible leaks
  • Early stage leak detection for quicker repairs
Smart Meter Benefits graphics


We’re excited about installing a smart water metering system — and providing valuable water use data around the clock.

These tools will help minimize water loss through leaks, improve water management, and help all of us be as efficient as possible with this precious resource.


Learn more with our FAQs.

What is a smart meter?

Smart meters have the ability to automatically send individual water usage to San Jose Water and can be read remotely. Smart meters have an ERT (Encoder Receiver Transmitter) installed or are ERT-compatible. According to the American Water Works Association, “…smart meters are part of an integrated system of meters and information systems that enable communication between meters and utilities.” We refer to the installation of this new system as our “Smart Meter Program.”  

What does AMI mean? 

AMI stands for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system. Smart meters are an integral part of an AMI system. 

Are smart meters the same as AMI meters?

Yes. Smart meters are one part of a total AMI system.

FAQ's continued here.

Water Meter Lid Inspection