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If there’s one trendy craze that doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon, it’s sparkling water. This summer season, you can definitely expect to see more brands and flavors of sparkling water hitting the shelves in your local supermarket. The rise of the carbonated water craze is perfect for those who may not be drinking enough water or want a little bit of extra flavor in their beverages. However, those refreshing drinks can get expensive, especially if you’re relying on them for a source of hydration. The good news is that you can create it in the comfort of your own home and save some money while you’re at it! Check out what you’ll need to create your own flavored sparkling water at home:

Creating you own homemade sparkling water will require a few items you may not have at home, but even with the purchase of the water carbonating device and canisters, you can get the sparkling water you crave for ⅓ of the price of the store-bought version. Plus - it’s fun!

First, you’ll need a water carbonating device, plus the carbonator packs and reusable carbonating bottles to make the sparkling water. It’s best to get something that will allow you to recycle your carbon dioxide canisters and doesn’t require electricity. You can get all 3 items for about $125. While that might sound like a lot for some sparkling water, you can make over 676 12 oz glasses with that! Next, you’ll need water. We recommend a nice cold liter of San Jose tap water which, by the way, costs about 1 cent per gallon. Now THAT’S a lot of refreshing sparkling water.

If you prefer your water with a hint of flavor, squeeze some juice from one or more of your favorite fresh fruits, vegetables, and even herbs! Citrus juices like lemon and lime are a classic, but get creative and mix a few flavors together, like kiwi and raspberry, blackberry and cucumber, strawberry and mint - the options are endless! Once you’ve carbonated your water, you can slowly pour in one tablespoon (recommended amount) of your chosen juice, place the cap back on, invert, and enjoy a refreshing serving of sparkling water. Some of our favorite flavors to use are mango, berries, and watermelon.

Creating a no sugar, no calorie beverage at home is a recipe for success. Plus, you get to use safe, reliable San Jose water that is delicious and sure to get you the results you want in your DIY sparkling water. Try it out and let us know how it went on our Facebook,  Twitter or Instagram Page!