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Water Source Map

San Jose Water delivers its customers a mix of groundwater, surface water purchased through the Santa Clara Valley Water District, and treated surface water from our local water supply. Where you live determines the type of water you typically receive. Although, water sources do shift occasionally in response to changes in availability or drought conditions. The map provides an overview of the type of water each of the communities we serve typically receives.


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This map indicates the type of water being delivered to each of the communities SJW serves. Those living in the Santa Cruz Mountain District, parts of Saratoga and Los Gatos receive locally treated water, parts of Saratoga, and Cupertino, Campbell, and residents of south San Jose, East San Jose and some unincorporated areas receive SCVWD purchased water, and residents located between Highway 101 to the east, Lawrence Expressway to west and Curtner Avenue to the south receive groundwater.