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Leak in South Bay Aqueduct May Cause Changes to your Water Source

The Department of Water Resources’ South Bay Aqueduct (SBA) pipeline, which delivers water from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to Santa Clara County, is experiencing a leak requiring a temporary shutdown beginning Sunday, January 19. As the primary source to Valley Water’s water treatment plants — Rinconada, Santa Teresa and Penitencia — will be temporarily offline beginning Sunday, January 19.

When these treatment plants go off-line, we use local groundwater supplies to deliver safe and reliable water service. You will not experience any interruption to your water service. This is simply a change in water source.

San Jose Water has three primary sources of water: imported water (from Valley Water), groundwater and local surface supply — ensuring you have continuous service. Learn more by clicking here.

This change in supply may be associated with aesthetic changes to your water. You may notice:

  • Chlorine smell and/or metallic taste. This characteristic is related to the chlorine used to disinfect groundwater.
  • Cloudy, milky water. Air can be introduced during changes to the water source which causes a temporary cloudy appearance. The cloudiness should dissipate within a few minutes when water is left standing in a glass or container.
  • Trace white or grey deposits on glass, dishes and cooking surfaces. Groundwater is harder than Sierra Nevada water. Click here and here for more information about hard water.

Be assured that the water provided by SJW will continue to meet all drinking water regulations.

SJW along with Valley Water expect to resume normal water supply operations on Wednesday, January 22, based on early estimates from the Department of Water Resources. Check back for updates on our website and through social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram). 

At this time of year, we always recommend limiting use of your outside irrigation system due to rainfall. It’s a great way to conserve water. After all, your plants are getting plenty the old fashioned way!

Valley Water is posting additional information and periodic updates about the Department of Water Resources’ South Bay Aqueduct shutdown at www.valleywater.org.















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