We have updated our Privacy Policy. Our policy describes how we may collect, use, process and share your personal information. We use cookies which vary by type and jurisdiction. Visit the Your Privacy Choices link at the bottom of our website, which describes cookies we use and how to manage them.

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August is Watershed Appreciation Month!

Join us in celebrating Watershed Appreciation Month by visiting our event page where you can view and download educational materials and images about our watershed.

Keep an eye out on our blog and social media throughout the month of August to learn more about what a watershed is, the history of our watershed, and what you can do to help protect it! Learn more.

Service Line Inventory - We Need Your Help!

lead service line inventory small banner

In 2021, the EPA required water providers across the US to identify the pipe material of all service lines by October of 2024. Service lines are the pipes that connect the main water line under the street to your home or building. 

We're asking you, our valued customers, to participate in a short task where you “scratch” your pipe to determine its material. We'll be gathering information from public records, our records, and your feedback to create a complete inventory. 

You can self-report your home's service line material to San Jose Water by clicking this link: Service Line Questionnaire.

Conservation is a California way of life


Conserve, Save Big.

Water is a precious resource. Saving it now means more for generations to come. Conservation can also help you save on your water bill.

Check out the how-to videos below to learn a few simple ways to take control of your water usage today!

For even more tips and resources, visit our Conservation page.

Reading Your Meter

The first step in responsible water stewardship is knowing how to track your water use throughout the month and year.

How to Detect Leaks

Leaks can be expensive and wasteful. Learn how to detect toilet leaks, irrigation leaks and more!

Irrigation Tips

Making a few adjustments to your watering routine can go a long way toward reducing water waste.

Infrastructure & Service Updates

Williams Station Transition

As part of our commitment to providing the highest quality water, SJW has transitioned from using free chlorine to chloramine as the primary disinfectant for the water supplied by Williams Station wells.

McLaughlin Fluoridation

Our fluoridation facility is currently offline due to a manufacturer delay and expecting a Fall 2024 restart. If you have any questions, please email us.

Cambrian Reservoirs

Construction to build two new tanks will provide 16 million gallons of potable water storage to our customers, scheduled to complete in September 2027. Learn more here.

Customer Resources

Water Rates

Valley Water Rate Increase
Effective July 1, VW is increasing rates to retailers like SJW. All monies collected for this rate increase go directly to VW and are known as a “pass through.” SJW does not benefit from this rate increase.

2024 SJW Rates
As of January 1, changes to SJW rates have been implemented. For 2024, the average customer using 11 CCF will see a total bill increase of $4.719 (or 4.14%) per month or $0.157 per day.

General Rate Case Filing 2025-2027
Our GRC application filed for the years 2025-2027 proposes a 3-year $540 million capital investment program to ensure a resilient water system for our customers and local communities.

Billing & Payment

PromisePay Payment Plans
SJW has partnered with Promise to provide affordable, flexible, and interest-free payment plans to customers with past due water bills. All new payment plans will be with PromisePay.

Online Bill Pay Portal
In partnership with Invoice Cloud, you can now enjoy the convenience of 24/7 online bill pay with credit card, Venmo, Apple Pay, PayPal and Google Pay options.

CheckFreePay: New Bill Pay Option for Customers
CheckFreePay® is a convenient way to pay your water bill in-person with cash, with more than 20 locations in our community. Go to our new CheckFree page to find one near you!

Financing Options

Customers Receive State Funding to Ease Financial Hardship
SJW received $9.1M in the second of two payments from the state to support customers who experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19.

Water Shutoffs
Shutoffs have resumed for customers who have not paid their bills for over 90 days. This action is necessary to support our business and continue providing reliable service. Our goal is to help customers avoid water shutoffs.

CAP (Customer Assistance Program)
If you’re struggling to pay your water bill, we’re here to help! With CAPeligible low-income customers receive a 15% discount on their water bill. Contact us for details.

In The News

Press Releases

SJW Files Settlement Agreement in 2025–2027 General Rate Case
A constructive agreement with the CPUC provides for $450 million in drinking water infrastructure investment over three years.

SJW Named Among Top 100 Bay Area Corporate Philanthropists
SJW was named to the San Francisco Business Times 2024 Top 100 Bay Area Corporate Philanthropists list.

SJW Partners with Promise to Offer Affordable and Flexible Payment Plans
We now offer an easy and convenient way to set up interest-free payment plans for customers who owe $100 or more on past due water bills.

Press Mentions

How CA Can Avoid Looming Shortage of Water Workers
SJW Distribution System Supervisor Travis Hinkle discusses California’s aging water workforce and why promoting the next generation of workers is essential in the latest edition of Cal Matters.

Utility: Just the ‘hard water’ facts
SJW Director of Water Quality Suzanne DeLorenzo contributes an article for the Los Gatan on why our customers' tap water contains plenty of calcium and magnesium.

Water Online Op-Ed: Outgrowing Legacy Utility Payment Systems
Learn how SJW arrived at the ideal payment platform solution after a months-long search.

Photo of Kateline Lin


Meet Kateline Lin, Engineering Supervisor for the Planning Department.

More recent blogs:

Meter Shop Solves Mystery with Neptune and MARS.

Learn how SJW uses AI to help identify pipes in need of replacing.

See all News & Media >

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