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Redwood Estates Construction

June 2023

West Valley Construction, on behalf of San Jose Water, has been installing a new water main and services on various streets in the Redwood Estates community of Los Gatos.

Leading up to construction, SJW coordinated with other utility owners to mark the location of their existing underground utilities. From there, we began potholing. This consists of a small crew using vacuum equipment to dig down and verify the depth and location of any utilities that may present a design issue so we can adjust before we start opening the new trench line.

All trenches and potholes are backfilled before the end of every day. On occasion, you may see plates on the ground, but you will not encounter open holes.

Potholing activities began in June 2023 and will continue through July. Customers in the area were provided a map of our starting location as well as impacted roads/streets to allow residents/business owners to plan accordingly. We are allowing access in and out as much as possible, but with roads being narrow, there will be times that certain areas are not accessible by car/truck.

Our work hours are limited to 8AM-6PM Monday through Thursday. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding, and promise to work safely, efficiently, and respectfully as we navigate through your community.

Please check back here for any relevant updates as construction continues.