We have updated our Privacy Policy. Our policy describes how we may collect, use, process and share your personal information. We use cookies which vary by type and jurisdiction. Visit the Your Privacy Choices link at the bottom of our website, which describes cookies we use and how to manage them.

Coming Soon! A brand new way to pay your water bill -- easier, faster, and more secure!

Faster, Easier and More Options Than Ever!

Soon, you can enjoy the convenience of using Venmo, PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay through our NEW customer portal.

If you’re already on an automatic payment system (APS) with your checking or savings account, this will continue under the new portal. You’ll simply need to register for an account to see your bill and payments.

Of course, you still have the option to pay your bill with cash, by phone, or by using our convenient payment dropbox.

We know paying bills isn’t anyone’s favorite thing to do. With the new customer portal providing the ability to use PayPal, Apple Pay and Google Pay, you can take one item off of your to-do list.

More info coming soon!